Sound of Silence – Rajkumar Bharathi’s Musical Quest

By Asha Krishnakumar

Simple, genuine, gifted, resilient… These are the words used most often to describe Rajkumar Bharathi, the great -grandson of Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathi, the legendary litterateur whose fiery writings stoked the patriotic fire of the people fighting colonial rule. Rajkumar has carved a niche for himself in the music world without leaning on his illustrious lineage.

More than 100 people have been interviewed, associated closely with Rajkumar over the years. A common thread by all of them is how Rajkumar is an extraordinary person. In discovering him, the author finds a tale of genius, resilience and humility that needs to be told.

In documenting Rajkumar’s life and his musical journey is an enlightening experience at every level – intellectual, philosophical, rational, emotional, spiritual and human. This book was written with the intent to inspire youngsters to take life in their own hands. To be resilient in the face of adversity. To be humble even when you feel like you have conquered the world. To be humane even when you feel the whole world is against you. Rajkumar Bharathi’s life is a true inspiration at various levels.

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Devata: Guardians of Dance

BLK D Goodman Arts Centre

#01-24 90 Goodman Road Singapore 439053