13 Jun 2019 / Esplanade Theatre Studio / 8pm
“Dance transforms my pulse to pace with rhythm And I become one with rhythm Dance transforms the space around me And I become one with space Dance transforms my body from still to motion And I become one with movement Dance transforms my soul from singular to plural And I become one with the world”
Dance is a latent gift within each human being and is undoubtedly a multi-layered power house of transformation. Not only does it transform us physically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally, it also has the capacity to touch the world and eventually to change or transform it. It alters the visual and physical space around the dancer, brings about a change in the relation between the dancer and the dance, and finally awards a life-changing experience to anyone and everyone who comes into contact with it.
VIVARTANA is a commissioned work by the National Centre for Performing arts (NCPA, Mumbai, India) and has been presented there twice due to public demand. Apart from Mumbai, VIVARTANA has been presented in Bangalore, Delhi, Trishur and in Chennai. In USA it has been presented in 12 cities and is scheduled to tour.

Odissi – Kathak
14 Jun 2019 / Esplanade Theatre Studio / 8pm
This presentation features two dance productions— Hari Ho Gati Meri and Krishna Saranam choreographed in two different styles of Indian classical dance—kathak and odissi. Both these choreographies are inspired by a common theme “In Love of Krishna, the Blue God”.
Aruna Mohanty presents the odissi dance production Krishna Saranam, a multi-text composition that depicts a playful miracle-performing Krishna in his childhood. This dance presents the love story of Radha and Krishna—their separation, sufferings, anger, annoyance, supplications, and their final reunion.
Gauri Diwakar presents Hari Ho Gati Meri – Muslim Poets in Love of Krishna, inspired by the lines of poet Sayyad Mubarak Ali Bilgrami, who was a Muslim by faith. Part of a living tradition of shared heritage and oneness, his poetry reflected love for Krishna.
This kathak dance presentation is based on poems of Muslim poets who wrote, praised and at times even worshipped Lord Krishna. The performance also features divine love poetry, ashtapadis from Gitaa Govinda, by the 12th century poet Jayadeva, who laid much emphasis on prema (love) and bhakiti (devotion) expressed in sweet, simple and melodious words in the classical language of Sanskrit.