European Tour

Mohanapriyan Thavarajah from Apsaras Arts will be on an European tour during September 2017 performing a collection of thematic solo Bharatanatyam performances, including “Dances of Divinity”, “Tamizh Bharatha Maalai” and “Tandav”. Mohanapriyan will be conducting a workshop for Milapfest on Saturday 22nd at Liverpool.Please find the following details of the shows and ticket details.


Centre Mandapa Saturday 16/09/17 at 8pm For tickets:


Scagon Theatre Sunday 17/09/17 at 3pm For tickets:


Nehru Centre Wednesday 20/09/17 at 6.30pm For tickets:

Stay on the beat

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Supported by

Devata: Guardians of Dance

BLK D Goodman Arts Centre

#01-24 90 Goodman Road Singapore 439053