
On Vijayadasami day which falls on the tenth day of Navarathri, it is a tradition to pay respects to your Gurus and to partake in the Vidhyarambam observation where very young children and anyone who wants to pick up a new art from are initiated in to the learning.  Please find the following details on the Vijayadasami celebrations at Apsaras Arts.

Saturday 30th September 2017, at Apsaras Arts studios, Block D #01-24, Goodman Arts Centre, 90 Goodman Road, Singapore 439053 7:30am to 9:00am: Homam and Pooja 10:00am to 12:00pm :Initiation to new classes

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Supported by

Devata: Guardians of Dance

BLK D Goodman Arts Centre

#01-24 90 Goodman Road Singapore 439053