Dance Heritage Tour by Apsaras Arts 

Dance Heritage Tour by Apsaras Arts  16th – 20th December 2019 Join us on a journey to visit some of the key institutions and places of significance to Bharatanatyam in Tamil Nadu, India. Listen to the dance scholars , historians and experts as they unravel the mysteries and guide you on these visits. This 6 day tour takes you through the heart of the land of dance and music of South India. Sign up for the tour

Angkor – A Dance-Lecture

Angkor – A Dance-Lecture 26th Oct 2019 – Sat – 6pm 9 rue gutenberg Paris 75016 Reservation : carnaticconservatoryofparis@gmail / 0754813616

Thāndav – France Premier

Thāndav 18 Oct 2019 – Friday – 8pm Espace Culturel le Point d’Eau 17 allée René Cassin 67540 Ostwald Strasbourg, France Book the show